Fall is Coming Soon!
Now that we've survived this Summer's extreme weather we are enjoying cooler temperatures and more time spent outside. Our gardens have been tested by heat, drought and torrential rain storms. Plants are recovering from foliage diseases, population explosions of numerous pests and general stress caused by the excessive heat. Some plants planted in the early cool and rainy weather could not survive the 100 degree plus weather without daily watering.
Now is the time to move forward with Fall perennial plantings and take advantage of milder conditions. There are numerous reasons to consider Fall planting:
Warm soil conditions allow roots to develop and establish before frost and freezing weather Warm soil is also easier to work with and the loose soil allows water and air to penetrate better. The established perennials will be better prepared to start afresh in the Spring as the soil warms up.
Also breeders and growers are responding to Climate Change and developing new varieties of perennials. They are introducing perennials that previously were considered too tender to withstand Winter conditions in our planting zones.
Fall in also a good time to divide overgrown perennial clumps. They will recover more quickly than plants moved in the cold, heavy soil of early Spring and have a jump-start on growth and flowering as the warm weather returns. Perennials are much happier and do better in a less crowded growing space. Replanting provides more vigor by reducing space competition and increasing access to air, water and nutrients.
We do need to keep a watchful eye on fresh plantings to avoid dehydration. Loose layers of mulch can make a world of difference and contribute to plant success.
Last but not least, it is time to select Spring Bulbs. Please contact me if you have not received a catalog.
Happy Fall!
Richard Miller